Thursday, January 1, 2009

Last Painting Update of 2008

Happy New Year!

While technically this is being posted in 2009, these figures were all finished up last night and so I’m considering this an update for the end of 2008

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Assorted vkings for skirmishing – I think most of these are old Citadel miniatures.. though the one in the center is from Old Glory.

Three Hobbits and a Dwarf. The hobbits are from Copplestone Castings and the Dwarf is from Reaper Miniatures.

Another Reaper figure – an Elvish Druidic Mage

Here he is on his HOTT base…

Finally, Two more stands of Elf Archers.

So the grand total of painting and hobby projects for the year is:

28mm Foot - 539
28mm Mounted - 13
28mm Vehicles - 2
28mm Guns - 3
28mm Terrain bits - 12
28mm Buildings, Ruins, etc - 2

20mm Foot - 236
20mm Vehicles - 25
20mm Guns - 1

1/144 Aircraft - 1

Micro Tanks, etc. - 5
Micro Infantry stands - 1

Wee Ships (built and painted) - 9

New Masters Modeled - 7

A pretty productive year. I was thinking I’d go back through all the painting updates and figure out what all those were… but I’d rather forge on with new projects!!!

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